Sergio Mendes & Brasil ‘66
Track | Album |
The Frog | Look Around |
Laia Ladaia | Fool On The Hill |
Like A Lover | Look Around |
The Look Of Love | Look Around |
Masquerade | Ye-Me-Le |
Moanin' | Ye-Me-Le |
Night And Day | Equinox |
Scarborough Fair | Fool On The Hill |
So Many Stars | Look Around |
Ye-Me-Le | Ye-Me-Le |
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ˈ66 playlist
Contributor: Paul F. Newman
The A&M LPs of Sergio Mendes and Brasil ˈ66 were sung half in English and half Brazilian Portuguese; the group and the singers were usually a mixture of the two cultures as were the tracks on their records. The Brazilian music that hit the globe in the 1960s under the general heading of Bossa Nova found much of its popularity through the creative efforts of Sergio Mendes. After the first hit, Mas Que Nada, it was realised that a song sung totally in Brazilian did not impede its acceptance in the English-speaking world if the music was good, and that remained true with all Sergio Mendes’ output. In general to Anglo Saxon ears slow songs where the lyrics needed to be appreciated were best sung in English and fast samba and carnival songs best in Brazilian. Typically there is a mixture of both in my ten favourites above.
Official Sergio Mendes Website
Sergio Mendes and Brasil ’66 biography (Apple Music)
Paul F. Newman is a writer, editor and astrologer, and once part of a surf band. See his published books on Amazon here.
TopperPost #4
No mention has been made of the lovely ladies! This probably could be another thread sometime as there are quite a few to discuss over the years. I loved Lani Hall and Gracinha Laporace. GL appeared with Bossa Rio, a spin off from Brasil ’66, in a 1970 Album produced by Sergio Mendes. She is, of course, the wife of SM.
RIP Sergio Mendes. Thank you for the music of my teenage years and beyond. I have always preferred the Brazilian lyrics which remind me of the summer nights in my car.