Clip of the Week
Top Tens galore … Passionate writing … New contributors welcome … click on OVER TO YOU for details – an opportunity for you to tell other music fans about your favourite musicians and their best music.
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Click CHRONOLOGY for full list of 1,134 posts from 156 contributors.
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Music Bank who’s missing?… from over 1,000 artists/bands on the site
Check if artist is pending … there can be a waiting list for new posts
Contribute your selection … 10 of your favourite tracks by one act
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‘Where are we going, fellas?’
‘To the top, Johnny!’
‘Where’s that, fellas?’
‘To the toppermost
of the poppermost!’
(John Lennon)
Click on the album cover on each post to hear the tracks on Apple Music
We add playlists to the posts (if possible), for example see Bob Dylan
Have Yourself A Merry Indie Christmas: Volume 4
Here it is – the fourth and final volume in the magical Have Yourself a Merry Indie Christmas series with a bumper 65 tracks from bands and solo artists including Grandaddy, The Raveonettes, The Orchids, TV Smith, The Lucksmiths, Brighter, The Sultans of Ping, Whyte Horses … Over the last three years, Vols 1, 2 and 3 have raised money for the charity Crisis at Christmas. Supported by leading critics John Harris and Pete Paphides the albums played on BBC6 Music, BBC Scotland, Radio X. So far the albums have raised over £8,000 for the charity.
“Have Yourself a Merry Indie Christmas (Volumes 1-3) are a guidebook to an alternate universe of Christmas music that few know exists” ChristmasUnderground.com
Have Yourself A Merry Indie Christmas: Vol.4, the digital-only album, is released on Bandcamp Friday 6th December (£7) with any purchases on that day not subject to bandcamp commission, therefore raising more money for Crisis at Christmas. Click here to purchase.
Toppermost launched 1st July 2013